Electro-Thermal Synergistic Catalyst Evaluation System with Photo-Thermal
The TKSC-SOEC80 electro-thermal synergistic catalyst evaluation system is a solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) experimental platform that combines the synergistic effects of electric and thermal fields for the efficient electrolysis of H2O/CO2 to produce H2/CO, which is the inverse reaction of SOFC. The system investigates the influence of electro-thermal coupling effects on electrolysis performance and optimises catalyst materials and operating parameters by precisely controlling temperature, voltage and gas composition. This SOEC evaluation system is scientifically designed and comprehensively functional, capable of meeting a wide range of testing needs from materials research to system integration. With the high-precision control and multi-functional test modules, it can provide reliable data support for SOEC performance optimisation and commercial application.
Photoelectrothermal multi-field coupled catalysis has potential in environmental treatment (e.g. efficient degradation of pollutants), energy conversion (e.g. CO2 reduction, water decomposition), and chemical synthesis. For example, in CO2 reduction, light provides excitation energy, electricity helps electron transfer, and heat promotes reactant activation, and the combination of the three may improve product selectivity and reaction rate; photo-thermal coupling for electro-synthesis of ammonia. Photoelectrothermal catalysis represents the cutting-edge direction of multi-energy field synergistic catalysis, and will play an important role in the field of green chemistry and carbon neutrality in the future.
Advantages of SOEC system
1.Study the effect of electro-thermal synergy on SOEC electrolysis efficiency and optimise catalyst materials and operating parameters (temperature, voltage).
2.Compare the performance of different catalysts (e.g. Ni-YSZ vs. Ce/Co doped catalysts) in the electrolysis of H2O/CO2.
3.To investigate the effect of temperature (600-800°C) and voltage (0.5-2V) on current density, Faraday efficiency and stability.
4.To analyse electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS) to reveal the reaction kinetic mechanism.
5.Systematically reveal the mechanism of electrothermal catalysis in SOEC through temperature-voltage synergistic regulation, multi-scale characterisation and long-term stability tests.
6.Introduce in-situ high-temperature Raman spectroscopy to track the dynamic behaviour of the catalyst in real time.
7.’Thermo-electrical synergy factor’ to quantify the strength of electro-thermal coupling effect.
Provide experimental and theoretical basis for efficient electrolysis of CO2 to synthesis gas (H2/CO) or green hydrogen.